Return & Exchange
Our commitment to customer satisfaction is unwavering. To support this, we've established a comprehensive order policy that addresses most concerns and scenarios you might encounter after making a purchase with us.
24-Hour Free Cancellation
Orders can be freely canceled within 24 calendar hours of placement, no questions asked. Please contact our customer service team in time to process your cancellation. You may do so by emailing us at with "24-Hour Free Cancellation" stated in the subject line, along with your order number. For smooth processing, please ensure that you include all relevant information about your order in the body of your email, including your full name, address, method of payment, the specific product you purchased, and the email address used to place the order.
90-Day Reproduction
If you discover that you made a mistake when ordering a custom size, such as providing us with an incorrect measurement or by selecting the wrong material, don't worry. You have 90 calendar days from the delivery date to request a one-time free reproduction. You may do so by emailing us at, with "90-Day Reproduction" stated in the subject line, along with your order number. For smooth processing, please ensure that you include all relevant information about your order in the body of your email, including your full name, address, method of payment, the product you ordered (including all measurements, dimensions, and material), the corrected product information, and the email address used to place the order. We will respond to your email and let you know the cost of shipping the new product to you; you will not need to return the product you received. Once we receive payment for the shipping, we will begin processing your one-time free reproduction.
120-Day Quality Guarantee
Your satisfaction with the quality of our products is paramount. If your item has a manufacturing defect, arrives damaged, or doesn't match your order, we commit to replacing or repairing it at no extra charge, including shipping, for up to 120 calendar days from the purchase date. You may contact our customer service team by emailing us at, with "120-Day Quality Guarantee" stated in the subject line, along with your order number. For smooth processing, please ensure that you include all relevant information about your order in the body of your email, including your full name, address, method of payment, the specific product you purchased, a detailed description of the issue with your product, and the email address used to place the order. We may request pictures of the product. If we agree that the product falls short of quality guarantee, we will reprocess your order upon receiving your email.
90-Day Redesign Offer
If within 90 calendar days you find yourself unsatisfied with your product for subjective reasons—be it the style, color, or a change of heart—you have the option to purchase a replacement at the same or lower price than the original, or another product from the same category and of the equal size. This replacement will be offered at the original discount price, plus an additional 10% off. You may contact our customer service team by emailing us at, with "90-Day Redesign Offer" stated in the subject line, along with your order number. Please ensure that you include all relevant information about your order in the body of your email, including your full name, address, method of payment, the specific product you purchased, a detailed description of the issue with your product, and the email address used to place the order. We may provide you with a coupon code for the discount or give you other instructions or information to ensure your discount is correctly applied.